The first date often makes us feel excited and nervous at the same time. We want to show the best of us and to make a good impression. On the other hand we don’t know much about the other person – it’s our first date. So choosing the right gift idea would not be an easy task.
If we are not sure how the other person will accept and interpret our first date gift, we should aim for smaller, more neutral and common presents. The more special gifts we should save for the next dates when we know that the other person is really interested in us
Things you should consider when choosing a first date gift:
1. Choose something small but thoughtful – we can show our affection with a nice present, but this should not make the recipient feel uncomfortable
2. Avoid overly romantic and intimate gifts – save those for later after you relationship has deepen enough
3. Get something shareable – this way the person won’t feel that obligated and uncomfortable, and you can have your common shared experience that can make you closer.
4. Don’t give the present right after you met – spend some time and look for the right moment, maybe after you already had some conversation and have know each other a little bit more.
5. If you are creative person and make art or crafts – give them something that represents your work – this way it will be a more neutral, and at the same thoughtful present.
There are some classical gift ideas for first dates which could help you express your affection with a small gesture without making the other person feel pressured: